The tools downloadable from this website serve well when your transition window is relatively short—even same day. All tools include instructions, suggestions, and good questions for the person in transition, with fields for direct entry of responses and comments. They’re ready to go! If the transition window is longer—at least two weeks—consider our SERVICES (below) to deepen the gains and ensure best fit to your situation.

TALKING (It’s free!)
Let’s have a conversation. What transitions are coming up for the people in your group? We’re glad to help with tool selection or we can talk about applying the tools after they’re used. (Knowledge sharing counts double when people are moving or leaving.)
We also have guidelines and suggestions for using and combining the tools—there are options for independent work, working with partners, and small groups.

Our favorite! We’ll work with three-four members of Human Resources and/or your team in a live or remote workshop to develop a set of capture tools for your ongoing use. A set customized to your organization and specific roles or transitions..

Any of the Duly Knowted tools can be customized—you choose how much. For a reasonable fee, we’ll help with light edits, or split question sets for more focused applications, or incorporate questions provided by your team, or assemble completely new tools. We can create or adapt questions to your industry, your organization, special just-completed projects or programs, or specific contributors.

Coaching is a great way to pull up more detailed comments, dive into special skills, or convert captured knowledge to short training pieces. The tools add structure to the process and save preparation time for the coaches or managers.
If the transition schedule permits, and you’re already working with internal coaches, partners or consultants, we’ll orient them to the tools.
Or, we can meet with a departing contributor by telephone for one or more short sessions to talk through tool questions and develop a plan for distributing the information collected.